Fourteen students on the Wheeler Programme at Wellington College have secured offers of university places next year.
They include offers at Oxford, Warwick, Portsmouth and Exeter across courses including law, medicine, geology and economics.
The Year 13 students came to Wellington this week for their last study day as part of the Wheeler Programme, which they joined in Year 9.
Although the year group missed out on the usual residential courses due to Covid, they did study days online and were able to attend a residential Easter revision course at the college in their GCSE year.
Freddie, a student at Archbishop McGrath school in Bridgend, Wales, has an offer from St Anne’s College, Oxford, to study law with French, and is the first Wheeler student to secure an Oxbridge offer.
He said the programme had helped to raise his aspirations. He added: “Whenever we came for study days and the Easter revision course the teachers managed to blitz the bits I was struggling with.
“The coaching we had in year 9 and 10 was also really valuable. Thank you for all the support, the Wheeler Programme is so valuable for all of us involved.”
Jenny, from The Piggott school in Wargrave, has an offer to read geology at Bristol university.
She said the Easter revision course helped her greatly with maths as she was in a class of just three students.
She added: “When we come here the teachers are totally focused on what we need to learn.”
On the study day, the students had classes in their A level subjects as well as a session on student finance and a careers Q&A with Wellington‘s head of sixth form Fleur Moore-Bridger.
Of those not heading to university next year, two students are taking a gap year and two are hoping to take up apprenticeships, one in accountancy and one in motorcycle technology.
Another has already started a degree apprenticeship in motor mechanics.