Our Inter-School Support Programme provides a framework of support, within which effective collaboration is facilitated alongside our Alliance schools. Whether it be with a curriculum, pedagogy and/or assessment focus, we want to meet every school where they are.

Our Inter-School Support Programme allows us to collaborate with our Alliance schools at every level. Whether it be at school leadership level or with regards to how a particular teaching technique is being deployed within the classroom, we want to create and share opportunities and expertise with everyone.  Our Inter-School Support Programme comprises the following:

Professional Learning Group (PLG)

Described as the ‘heartbeat’ of the Teaching Alliance, the PLG members meet once per half-term to share and discuss what the individual needs are of our Alliance schools and where effective collaborative opportunities exist.

Education Specialist Leaders (ESLs)

Our ESLs are passionate, willing professionals in their field(s). This could mean a subject specialist or someone with particular expertise with regards to teacher pedagogy.

ESLs are funded resource that allow us to provide support at teacher and department level in a meaningful way. For more information regarding ESLs or if you’d like to make an ESL support request, please email wcta@wellingtoncollege.org.uk

Bespoke Support

In order to ensure our programme of support remains relevant and purposeful, we invite our Alliance schools to partake in an annual consultation phase which we use to construct our programme.

Through this process and our regular meetings as a Professional Learning Group, we are able to identify bespoke ways we can work collaboratively with our Alliance schools.

A recent example of this is our Donate for Education initiative where we sourced, re-purposed and distributed 252 personal devices to young people across our local schools. This was to combat the disconnect some young people experienced during the pandemic.

Teaching School Hub Support

We are proud and delighted to be able to support Langley Grammar School with it’s own programme of Teaching School Hub support. For further information regarding the Berkshire Teaching School Hub, please visit their website.

Forest Learning Alliance (FLA) is an educational training and support provider, offering evidence-based CPD for teachers and schools leaders. They work closely with their own Alliance of schools covering all phases and settings, and other educational professionals across the South of England and specifically across Berkshire.

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