Human rights, artificial intelligence and the difference between solicitors and barristers were all on the agenda at an event held at Wellington College this week.

The inaugural law applicants preparation day on April 24 attracted 65 students in Year 12, all of whom are considering a career in the legal profession.

Guest speaker Alex Pitlarge, a first year law student, talked to the students about what to put in their personal statements, where to study and how to get through the Law National Aptitude test, a test that assesses students’ ability to reason and analyse information.

Barrister Ed Grigg talked about the different pathways into law, and the students were able to quiz a panel of legal experts and law students.

Students attended from 11 schools in the Wellington College Student Alliance including The Piggott, Bulmershe, Charters and Maiden Erlegh.

One said afterwards: “I was unsure about whether to go to university but after today I can definitely make a more informed decision.

“It was really useful to be able to talk to the people on the panel and learn how to revise for the LNAT.”

Following the success of the day, Wellington College Student Alliance hopes to make it an annual event.